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# aliases
cmd "config" help="Manage the CLI config" {
  alias "cfg" "cf" "cg"  # aliases for the command
  alias "conf" hide=true # hide alias from docs and completions

cmd "config" hide=true # hide command from docs and completions
cmd "config" subcommand_required=true # subcommand is not optional

# these are shown under -h
cmd "config" before_help="shown before the command"
cmd "config" help="short description"
cmd "config" after_help="shown after the command"

# these are shown under --help
# all help fields can be either inline params or separate nodes like
# below for the *_long_help fields. Typically when a lot of space is needed
# it's cleaner to use separate nodes.
cmd "config" {
  before_long_help "shown before the command"
  long_help "longer description"
  after_long_help "shown after the command"

cmd "list" {
  example "Basic usage" r#"
    $ mycli list
    apple  red
    banana yellow
  example "JSON output" r#"
    $ mycli list --json
      {"FRUIT": "apple", "COLOR": "red"},
      {"FRUIT": "banana", "COLOR": "yellow"}

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